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Fumigation Machine – ULTRA FOGGER

(1 customer review)


40 ha. (400 Acres / 40 Minutes)


Air Pump

275m/hour @2450 rpm/min

Fuel Tank

5,3 Liters (Stainless Steel)


200 Liters (Plastic or Stainless Steel)

Heater Tank

60 Liters (Stainless Steel)

Formulation Consumption

50 Lt. – 500 Lt. / H. (Adjustable with pressure)

Fuel Consumption

5 Liters / 4 Hours


1 Thermal nozzle (It can rotating 360°)

Electric Generator

220v / Ac

Heating Oven

Stainless Steel


12V, 60Ah

Empty Weight

150 Kg.

Full Weight

395 Kg.


134cm x 75cm x 78cm ( L x W x H )

The Ultra Fogger, vehicle mounted thermal fogger – fugimation machine, is recommended for extra large areas.

  • Its impact capacity in PEST control activity  is 40 – 50 Hectares.
  • Its impact capacity in FROST control activity  is 20 – 25 Hectares.

Ultra Fogger is used for Agricultural frost protection, Pest control, Fungus and bacteria control, and Fertilizer applications among others usages. It fogs oil liquid in the form of vapor and provides anti-freeze protection. The artificial cloud curtain, prevents the radiation frost formed in a windless weather,  acts as a blanket over the outdoor garden for at least 3 hours. It provides protection up to -7 C° on nights where there is a risk of agricultural frost. Apart from using it in frost seasons in cold weather, during summer season and hot weathers, Ultra fogger, fog machine, is used as a pest and fungus control machine.

Ultra Fogger, vehicle mounted thermal fogger machine,  can be used for four different purposes:

  • Agriculture (Agricultural frost prevention; Pest, Fungus, and bacteria control)
  • Public Health for combatting against contagious diseases (i.e Malaria, Chikungunya, dengue fever, COVID-19 etc)
  • Environmental Pest Control
  • Fertilizer Application

Utilization Areas of  Ultra Fogger fugimation machine

1. In Agriculture:

  • Agricultural Frost prevention: Thermal fogging machine sprays oil in vapor form, and provides anti-freeze protection in cold seasons. An artificial cloud curtain that acts as a blanket and provides protection for at least 3 hours over the field during radiation frost when there is no wind. It provides protection against radiation frost damage in cold weather up to -7 degrees Celsius during the spring months both in open fields and greenhouses.
  • Pest, Fungus and Bacteria Control in Agriculture: In hot weather during the summer months, the machine is used as a pest and fungus control machine in agriculture. Thermal fogging machines are necessary to combat harmful organisms such as “Red Spider Mite, Tuta, White Fly, Thrips, Mealybug, Codling Moth, Powdery Mildew, Botrytis” which become active in hot weather. The population of these harmful organisms can only be completely eliminated with thermal fogging machines.

2. In Public Health: 

  • When filled with the disinfectant liquid, it is used as a disinfection fogger for fighting against contagious diseases i.e. zika virus, COVID, COVID-19, chikungunya, malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever. Ultra Fogger, thermal fogging machine, is commonly used in the public health area at state institutions, municipalities, Ministry of Health. It controls the spread of diseases and viruses.

3. Environmental Pest Control :

  • Vehicle mounted thermal fogging machine, thanks to its insecticide fogger property, is used for environmental pest control for the comfort of citizens, residents.  It is used in the fight with vectors i.e. mosquito, houseflies (Musca Domestica), locust.

4. Fertilizer application:

  • Liquid, inorganic fertilizers and nano fertilizers can be successfully applied with thermal fogging machines in agriculture. Fertilizer sprayed in the form of smoke can easily reach every square millimeter and pores under the leaf.

(Note: Vehicle mounted ULTRA FOGGER  is a gasoline-powered thermal fogging machine. Ultra Fogger fugimation machine works with oil based formulation, and a gasoline-powered piston engine. If you need a water-based system, this needs to be notified to our company during the purchase. All our products are manufactured in Turkey, by us, the White Fog.)

Agricultural FROST CONTROL with Thermal Fogger Machine

ULTRA FOGGER, fugimation machine, sprays and creates a white artificial cloud above the land, this is the vaporized form of the oil liquid. The artificial cloud increases resistance to cold weather by creating the anti freeze effect. The organic oil molecule mixes into the water molecules of the plant that tend to crystallize and freeze. For instance, in cold weather, the skin on our hands crack, and and to prevent cracking, a moisturizer cream is applied made from glycerin oil. Another relevant example is vehicle radiators. The raw material for the anti-freeze liquids added to radiators is glycerin oil, this increases resistance to cold.

Thermal fogging machine ULTRA FOGGER, thanks to the artificial cloud technology, provides 100% protection against radiation frost damage (occurs only in clear and windless weather conditions) up to -7 degrees. Since there is no wind during radiation frost, the sprayed artificial cloud remains suspended in the air above the area for at least 3 hours. It preserves the current temperature of the soil and ensures the reflection of radiation energy back to the Earth’s surface.

The specific mass of the cold air layer is heavier than the atmosphere, and the cold air layer, where ice crystals are present, tends to descend onto the products. The specific mass of the artificial cloud curtain sprayed with the Ultra Fogger thermal fogging machine is lighter than the atmosphere and tends to rise towards the sky. The artificial cloud curtain moves the cold air layer away from the products and prevents it from settling on them. Due to the inversion, the sprayed smoke cannot fly higher by overcoming the cold air layer. The cold air layer acts as a roof, and the artificial cloud curtain, which acts as a blanket, completely covers the area.

It provides protection against agricultural frost up to -7 degrees Celsius in greenhouse applications next to outdoor application. Since the greenhouse is completely enclosed, the sprayed smoke can remain suspended in the air for up to 6 hours in a dense manner.

Elements to Consider in Frost Fighting with Thermal Fogger

 Diesel, SR fogging oil or Vegetable glycerin oil can be used in open field garden applications.  Use SR fogging oil or Vegetable glycerin oil  in closed greenhouses. There is no need for an anti-freeze liquid.

Since there is no wind during agricultural frost, the user should walk through the open field with the device and effectively disperse the smoke. The artificial cloud stays suspended over the field for at least 3 hours until the wind arrives, it protects flowers and seeds from radiation frost damage. When the wind blows, the smoke drifts and dissipates. However, as known, if there is wind, the cold air layer and the warm air layer mix with each other, eliminating the risk of radiation frost in windy weather.

Depending on the size of your field, you need either small and portable (SM600 model) thermal fogging machine, or if you have a larger field vehicle mounted (SM700 model which is 10 times more performative than SM600), and for extra large fields you need Ultra Fogger model. All of these 3 thermal fogger models, as all our machine ranges, are manufactured in Turkey, with +30 years of experience, and by us.


PEST CONTOL with Vehicle Mounted ULTRA FOGGER (fugimation machine)

 Thermal fogging machine provides 90% (ninety percent) saving in annual insecticide, fertilizer, anti freeze product consumption and cost. One of the most important properties of the vehicle mounted thermal fogger machine is that the insecticide liquid does not fall on the ground or soil, and get wasted. Hence, 40 hectares of land can be sprayed with 2.5 litres of insecticide.

The relative efficiency of Ultra Fogger compared to other spraying machines comes from its small micron size.  Ultra Fogger, vehicle mounted thermal fogger, sprays insecticide in the form of smoke with particles of 10 microns size. Turbo atomizers, on the other hand, spray insecticide with particles of 100 microns in size. This means the probability of contact with pests is higher with Ultra Fogger, fog machine.  Ultra Fogger is at least 13 times more contact effective than turbo automizers. It is important to underline an insect will not die unless it comes into direct contact with the particle containing insecticide! Hence, it is crucial that the sprayed particle contacts with the target insect or the virus.

  • Ultra Fogger: 10 µm, 200-liters mixture, 95,600,000,000,000,000 particles.
  • Turbo Automizer: 100 µm, 200-liters mixture, 7,600,000,000,000,000 particles.

It is not technically possible to combat flying insects with machines that spray insecticides with large particle sizes, such as turbo atomizers. For effective combat with flying-winged insects, or difficult-to-combat pests, the micron size of sprayed insecticide particle must be less than 30 microns in diameter, and the drift distance of the insecticide must be long. These criteria were determined by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) and have been presented to the public in booklets. The insecticide droplets sprayed by Ultra Fogger fugimation machine, are covered with a thin oil layer, does not evaporate quickly in the atmosphere, and stays suspended in the air for a longer time . Sprayed particles develops resistance against sunlight. Since the particles remain suspended in the air for a longer time without evaporation, the probability of insecticide coming in contact with the target is higher. As a result, insects are eliminated more efficiently with less effort and insecticide usage.

Briefly, these distinctive properties of the Ultra Fogger, vehicle mounted thermal fogger machine, spraying the particules in vapor form, make it the most efficient spraying machine in fertilizer, anti-frost, public health, and environmental pest control applications. Since an efficient spraying can be done with Thermal foggers, there is no need to use systemic insecticide application. Systemic insecticide application aims to leave residue on the plant to prevent the pest from eating the plant or product and render it ineffective through the digestive system. Besides such systematic treatments leave residue on the plant and soil, causes high insecticide consumption and high insecticide cost. Thermal foggers saves time, budget, and maintains the quality of the crop.

Since a more effective spraying activity is carried out with less insecticide (or fertilizer, or natural anti freeze product) thanks to the Ultra Fogger, fugimation machine, the quality and yield of the crop is maintained.

With Ultra Fogger fog machine, it is possible to perform effective pesticide spraying into a greenhouse without entering, from the doorway. This protects the health of the person conducting the spraying activity from the toxic effects caused by the pesticide.

Elements to Consider in Pesticide Spraying with Thermal Fog machine

The intended pesticide mixture should be prepared in a transparent container. After shaking and letting it rest for 15 minutes, if a homogeneous mixture is obtained, it should be poured into the device for immediate use.

Use of Emulsifiable concentrate (EC) pesticides: These pesticides can mix directly into the oil liquid, without adding water.

  • Example:
    SR fogging oil + EC pesticide
  • Explanation:
    200 liters of SR fogging oil + 2.5 litres of EC pesticide.
    (Note: SR fogging oil can be supplied from our company)

Use of Suspension concentrate (SC), or powder pesticides: SC and powder pesticides are produced to be diluted with water. Therefore, a certain amount of water should be added to the oil to be used. However, not all oils can be mixed with water. For example, olive oil does not mix with water. Oils that can be mixed with water should be preferred for SC and powder pesticide application.

  • Examples:
    1. LP fogging oil that can be mixed with water + Water + SC pesticide
    2. LP fogging oil that can be mixed with water + Water + Powder pesticide
    3. Vegetable glycerin oil + Water + SC pesticide
    4. Vegetable glycerin oil + Water + Powder pesticide
  • Explanation:
    160 liters of LP fogging oil that can be mixed with water + 40 liter of water + 2.5 litres of SC pesticide.
    160 liters of LP fogging oil that can be mixed with water + 40 liter of water + 2.5 kg of powder pesticide.
    (Note: LP fogging oil that can be mixed with water can be supplied by our company)

General Information about ULTRA FOGGER, vehicle mounted thermal fogging machine

The average usage life of the Ultra Fogger device is 10 years.
It has a 10-year spare parts availability, and 2-year warranty.
Licensed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey.
The Ultra Fogger, vehicle mounted thermal fogging device, including its gasoline engine and all parts, is domestically manufactured in Turkey.
It operates with a gasoline piston engine.
It sprays in the form of oil vapor, with particle diameters ranging from 0 to 15 microns.
(Note: By default, Ultra Fogger fugimation machine sprays particles of 0-15 microns, with an average size of 10 micron. Yet, by changing the nozzle diameter, it is possible to spray particles of 0-50 micron size.)
200-liters fog liquid is depleted after 2 hours, and 5-liters gasoline liquid is depleted after 4 hours.
High impact capacity, Ultra Fogger, thermal fogging machine, can fog 1 hectare in 1 minute.
It has the capacity to fog 50 hectares of area within 1h (for )Pest control. It is possible to perform 8 hours of non-stop fogging with refilling oil and gasoline.
It has a filled weight of 350 kg

Expert Recommendations

« SR organic misting oil » or « vegetable glycerin »should be used inside the greenhouse. SR organic misting oil is dense, white colored, odorless, does not leave an oil layer on plants or products, and does not leave any chemical residue. Its ingredients are FDA certified. Diesel fuel, summer oil, and paraffinic oils should not be used as smoke liquid inside the greenhouse. Low-quality oils negatively affect product quality by leaving the plant oxygen-deprived, causing staining and yellowing of the leaves. Low-quality oils such as diesel, summer oil, and paraffinic oils leave chemical residues on crops due to the lack of airflow inside the greenhouse, causing products to be rejected under agricultural product quality test.

The sprayed fog inside the greenhouse can remain suspended in the air for at least 6 hours. In agricultural frost applications inside the greenhouse, it is recommended to perform fogging at 3-hour intervals and maintain high fog density. Whereas, in pest control activity, it is sufficient to ventilate the greenhouse and release the fog 2 hours after the pesticide application.

In out door frost fighting, the fog sprayed in a windless weather can remain suspended in the air for at least 3 hours. It is recommended to perform fogging at 2-3 hour intervals. Keeping a dense fog is important against frost fighting.

In pest control activity, it is recommended to use 1 unit of ULTRA FOGGER, vehicle mounted thermal fogger device, for 40-50 hectares of land area, and move the device in this parcel. If you have 100 hectares of land, it is necessary to have 2 units of Ultra Fogger devices. The time/speed of the fogging activity is not important in pesticide application. The user can finish the pesticide application after 3 hours, the timing factor is not that significant. In frost control, however, the speed factor is crucial. It is necessary to create a DENSE artificial cloud and quickly cover the whole area within 30 minutes. In frost control, the smoke needs to be DENSE for a maximimum of protection. The longer time passes, the risk of the crystallized cold air layer settling on the garden and the risk of seed burning increases. For this reason, in FROST control 1 unit of ULTRA FOGGER should be used in maximum 20 – 25 hectares of land. If it is used in bigges area, the fog wouldn’t be dense, and this means the warm air on earth wouldn’t reflect back to earth, escape to the athmosphere.

In Frost Fighting activity, it is necessary to monitor the thermometer temperature, for deciding the start of fogging activity. When the temperature drops to +2 degree, it is necessary to observe the speed of the « wind ». Cold air below zero only creates a suitable and favorable environment for frost formation. The main reason for the occurrence of radiation frost is the cessation of wind in a cloudless weather, combined with the heat loss. To observe the wind speed, you can use an anemometer (wind speed measurement) device, a flag, or a simple pinwheel. Smoke, artificial cloud formation activities should be started at a time when the wind speed slows down.

Average cost of frost fighting per acre for 1-night:
Minimum (1 application): 0.19 EUR/ac
Average (2 repetitions): 0.39 EUR/ac
Maximum (3 repetitions): 0.58 EUR/ac
(Note: the prices may vary depending on the country, current exchange rate, and the average prices of oil)


Frost Protection Thermal Fogging Machine

Frost Protection Thermal Fogging Machine

Frost Protection Thermal Fogger Generator Device Machine

Frost Protection Thermal Fogger Generator Device Machine


3 hectares field: SM600
10 hectares field: SM700
40 hectares field: ULTRA FOGGER






1 review for Fumigation Machine – ULTRA FOGGER

  1. Olivia Scanlon

    What is the price of machine for Egypt Cairo?

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