İçeriğe geç

Termal Sisleme ve Soğuk Sisleme Makinası – ULV1200 Professional

(1 müşteri incelemesi)




Termal Tank

50 Lt. (Paslanmaz Çelik)

ULV Tankı

50 Lt. (Paslanmaz Çelik)

Yıkama Tankı

5 Lt. (Paslanmaz Çelik)

Yakıt tankı

22 Lt. (Polietilen)

Formülasyon Tüketimi

0 – 530ML. / dk. (Ayarlanabilir akış hızı)

Yakıt tüketimi

1 Lt. – 1,5 Lt. / H.

Üfleyici (Hava Pompası)

Kök Blower, 10,6 m³ / Min. , 3600 Devir/dakika.


12 Volt DC, 60 Ah.


240 kg.


120 cm x 99 cm x 85 cm (U x G x Y)

Termal Sisleyici Ve Cold Fogging Machine, ULV 1200 PROFESSIONAL (2 in 1), is the most practical vehicle-mounted pest and vector control fogging machine worldwide. Bug populations i.e. mosquito and houseflies, carrying contagious diseases like dengue fever, chikungunya, malaria, are taken under control with insecticide fogging treatment through the application of biocidal products.  ULV 1200 professional can be used for 6 different purposes: Cold fogging, ULV, Mist spraying, Open area thermal fogging, ULV canal spraying, and Thermal canal spraying.

One of the amazing benefits of high quality ULV 1200 professional, it allows an uninterrupted operation, evenif the machine’s remote control panel is broken.  We designed our White Fog® machines in a manner that the spraying activity stays uninterrupted no matter what. You may operate this device in 3 different modes: 1) With a manual controller, 2) Without a manual controller with the switch button available on the motor, 3) With the pulling cord. If the user forgets to switch off the button on the motor after usage, and the battery is exhausted, and you are unable to start the machine automatically from the controller, you can start the device using the pulling cord. What is more, the battery can auto-charge itself again within 20 minutes. The ULV 1200 professional device guarantees you a malfunction-less and fail-safe spraying activity. Continuity and sustainability of the spraying activity is very important for biocidal fighting. 1 daily spraying program failure causes the propagation of mosquito carrying thousands of diseases.

If you possess the ULV1200 Professional device you are able to realize the following applications.

Distinctive properties of the Thermal Fogger and Cold Fogging Machine, ULV1200 Professional:

1. Thermal Fogger

Oil-based thermal fogging (0-30µm), when used in insecticide application, ensures that the pesticide particles are surrounded by an oil layer, creating resistance against the evaporative effects of sunlight. This feature allows the oil-based particles sprayed into the air to remain unaffected by the heat generated by the sun and to be carried over longer distances with the help of wind. As a result, the contact rate with insects increases leading to higher efficiency in terms of less pesticide usage.

2. Cold Fogger

Cold fogging with micron particle sizes (0-30µm) is used for combating small-sized pests such as mosquitoes. The water-based cold fogging feature enables a transparent mist, hence doesn’t danger the traffic like thermal fogging. The droplet sizes sprayed are small, similar to thermal fogging devices.  The ULV1200 vehicle-mounted ULV spraying machine is cost-effective in application as it uses a water-based solution. The formulation tank is filled with water and insecticide formulation, and not with oil-based diesel and insecticide formulation.

Thermal Fogger and Cold Fogger properties are used for different purposes and at different times. Oil-based thermal fogger property can be used under sunlight. The Cold Fogger property is used in the evening when the sun goes down or in the morning when the sun rises.

3. ULV Fogger

The properties of the Cold Fogger and ULV are quite different from each other. They both have different utilization areas. Owing to the micron size of 30-50µm, water-based ULV Fogger performs transparent mist application. The micron sizes are larger compared to the Soğuk Sisleme property. ULV treatment with large micron size is used with larger vectors like houseflies and bugs of equal size. The evaporating effect of the sunlight will cause losses on the sprayed micron size. Operators knowing the specifities of each usage mode, with an application done at right time with the appropriate micron diameter according to the bug size to be fought, obtains better pest control results.

4. Mist Sprayer

Water based Mist Sprayer micron diameters ranges from 50-100µm. Mist spraying is used for combating large-sized pests such as larvae, ticks, or cockroaches, with micron particle sizes ranging from 50-100µm.  Thanks to the special nozzles of the device, all nozzles can turn 45 degrees up, down, left, and right. It performs residual spraying, and can spray a 7-meter-wide road or every square millimeter of children park exposed to acarid, tick attack.

5. Thermal Fogging Gun

The 3-meter long stainless steel and flexible thermal canal fogging gun hose is ideal for oil-based applications and offers an effective solution for combating flies and mosquitoes in the sewer system with its 0-30µm feature. Sewers create dense populations of mosquitoes and flies. These insects can survive in the sewers even during the cold winter months when they cannot survive in the outdoor. The heat generated by the underground cables allows them to continue their life cycles. Therefore, canal fogging applications should continue constantly in both summer and winter months. With the Thermal canal fogging feature, conducting oil-based biocidal control, you can delay the evaporation time of the droplets against the temperature, and make a highly efficient spraying in the sewer system. This enables a more effective spraying activity. The ULV1200 professional device prevents the risk of methane gas explosion during canal fogging by absorbing heat, ensuring the safest canal fogging service.

Attention: During this application, you have to pay high attention to the safety. You need to be sure that there is no methane gas accumulation in the sewer first. If there is no methane gas accumulation in the sewer, you may perform a thermal fogging application with Thermal Fogging gone. If you are not sure, do not take a risk. Instead, use the ULV Cold Fogging Gun property. ULV Fogging Gun property does not cause a methane gas explosion.

6. ULV Cold Fogging Spraying Gun

ULV cold fogging gun has a 5-meter-long flexible silicone hose. The silicone hose recovers its former cylindrical shape even if you drive over the hose with a car, as it is made of silicone and does not include metal wires. Hence, it is durable. You may perform spraying in two different types with droplet diameter sizes of 0-30µm or 30-50µm. This means either with the Cold Fogging property or ULV fogger property. Where methane gas explosion risk exists in sewers, you may perform a safe insecticide application with the ULV Cold Fogging Spray Gun. The liquid containing insecticide is disintegrated and sprayed with heatless air pressure, unlike thermal foggers using the heat to disintegrate the liquid into particles. Thus, “Cold air pressure” prevents the inflaming of methane gas. Further more, the ULV cold fogging gun is practical for garbage containers. Garbage containers serves as a breeding ground for houseflies. Flied leave their larva in garbage containers, where they continue to reproduce. Therefore, it is essential to include garbage container spraying in your program for effective pest control activity.

General Information for Thermal Fogger and Cold Fogger;

a. What is a thermal fogger?

Thermal Fogging Devices realize oil-based spraying activity. Is can spray particles containing insecticide in a range of 0-50µm. Changing this particle size requires to change the consumption flow rate of the formulation liquid. Small micron diameters require less consumption. Large micron diameters require high consumption. The reason why the thermal fogging device is mostly preferred is its capability to perform spraying with small micron diameters. Since it performs oil-based spraying, it is resistant against quick evaporation under sunlight. The particles can remain longer in the air without evaporating or dissolving and thus the rate of contact with the bug increases.

b. What is a Cold Fogger?

Cold Fogging devices realize water-based spraying activity. The formulation liquid is disintegrated with air pressure. It is not disintegrated with heat like thermal foggers. Therefore, it can spray any fluid liquid and in very small microns. The sprayed particles containing insecticide ranges between 0-30µm micron. The greatest feature of cold fogging spraying systems is their ability to perform spraying in very small micron sizes. As a result, the sprayed particles can be carried over long distances. Thanks to their small micron diameter feature, cold fogging spraying machines used for biocidal control against mosquitoes are as effective as canal fogging spraying machines with thermal fogging capabilities.

c. What is a ULV Fogger?

ULV Fogger devices are systems that perform water-based applications like Cold Fogging devices. However, the difference between ULV spraying machines and cold fogging machines lies in the size of the micron diameter of the sprayed particles. For example, a cold fogging machine (0-30µm) is used for mosquito control, while a ULV spraying machine (30-50µm) is more effective for fly control.

d. When is the most effective time to perform spraying?

The right time for the most efficient spraying activity differs.  Wind velocity, wind direction, air temperature, low-pressure, high-pressure functions are affecting the spraying activity. Spraying should be done in accordance with the vital activity of the vector to be fought after collecting sufficient information. For instance, mosquito vector of dengue fever are active during the daytime. Their peak flight activity is in the morning and in the afternoon. Whereas houseflies and similar species are more active during the day time and before sunset.

e. How should open air space treatment be made?

It is accepted by the World Health Organization that the droplets size for mosquito or housefly vector fogger treatment have to be  at 10-30 µm. Thus, even under a light evaporation of the droplets with the time passing; the optimum suspension time of the droplets in the air, and the accurate droplet  dimensions allowing a successful elimination of the pest, is maintained.

The wind velocity is important for the droplet distribution and the contact on the bugs. Dragging the droplets downwards from the route line requires a wind velocity of 1-4 meters per second (approx. 4 ~ 15 km/hour). Do not spray where the wind velocity is over 15 km/hour.

The WHO (World Health Organization) makes some recommendations for space treatment and established criteria. For more technical details please see information in the book “Bir Uygulayıcının Kılavuzu” WHO (Dünya Sağlık Örgütü).


Vehicle Mount ULV Sprayer

Vehicle Mount ULV Sprayer


Car Mounted ULV Cold Fogger

Car Mounted ULV Cold Fogger


Ana Özellikler


ilgili ürünler

Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi, Fümigasyon makinesi darbe jet yağı bazlı sera ve dezenfeksiyon ve dezenfektan dezenfektanı için Taşınabilir Termal Sisleme
Araca Monteli Termal Sisleyici Arabaya Monteli Kamyona Monteli Termal Sisleyici Darbeli Jet Termal Sisleme Makinesi Fümigasyon böcek ilacı Haşere Kontrolü sera üreticisi
Keçiboynuzu Sivrisinek Mücadele Ultra Sisleyici için Fümigasyon Makinesi Termal Sisleyici Sisleme Makinesi
Taşınabilir Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi Thermo F1
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Araç üstü ULV soğuk sisleme makinesi ve Sis Püskürtme Makinesi
Otomatik meme kafası ulv soğuk sisleme püskürtme püskürtme makinesi
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ULV Sisleyici Püskürtücü Püskürtme Sisleme Makinesi Cihazı böcek ilacı pestisit tedavisi
Araca Monte Elektrikli ULV Sisleyici
Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi, Fümigasyon makinesi darbe jet yağı bazlı sera ve dezenfeksiyon ve dezenfektan dezenfektanı için Taşınabilir Termal Sisleme
Araca Monteli Termal Sisleyici Arabaya Monteli Kamyona Monteli Termal Sisleyici Darbeli Jet Termal Sisleme Makinesi Fümigasyon böcek ilacı Haşere Kontrolü sera üreticisi
Keçiboynuzu Sivrisinek Mücadele Ultra Sisleyici için Fümigasyon Makinesi Termal Sisleyici Sisleme Makinesi
Taşınabilir Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi Thermo F1
ULV1200 Profesyonel Otomatik Nozul Kafası
Fümigasyon Makinesi Araba Kamyon Montajlı Termal Sisleyici Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi Böcek ilacı dezenfeksiyon püskürtücüsü için sera keçiboynuzu sivrisinek WhiteFog SM900 püskürtme
SkyStar Termal Araç Üstü Termal Sisleme Makinesi
Araca Monte ULV Soğuk Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi WhiteFog ULV1200
Türkiye'de Araç Montajlı ULV Soğuk Sisleme Dezenfeksiyon Dezenfektan Makinesi Üreticisi
Araç üstü ULV soğuk sisleme makinesi ve Sis Püskürtme Makinesi
Otomatik meme kafası ulv soğuk sisleme püskürtme püskürtme makinesi
Bahçe Püskürtücü Püskürtme Sis Püskürtücü ve ULV Soğuk Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi 2in1
Dezenfeksiyon Makinesi ULV Dezenfektan ve Sterilizasyon makinesi için Sisleyici Dezenfektan Cihazı
Taşınabilir Elektrikli ULV Soğuk Sisleme Dezenfeksiyon Dezenfektanı Makinesi Üreticisi WhiteFog TURBO ULV
ULV1200 Profesyonel Otomatik Nozul Kafası
Araç Üstü ULV Soğuk Sisleme Sisleme Püskürtme Makinası Üreticisi Türkiye
ULV Püskürtücü Püskürtme Soğuk Sisleme Jeneratörü Üreticisi
WhiteFog ULV1200 Soğuk Sisleme ULV Sisleme Püskürtme Makinası İhracatı
Sera Böcek ilacı Püskürtücü Püskürtme Fümigasyon Makineleri ULV Soğuk Sisleme Sisleme
ULV Sisleme Makinası
ULV Sisleyici Püskürtücü Püskürtme Sisleme Makinesi Cihazı böcek ilacı pestisit tedavisi
Araca Monte Elektrikli ULV Sisleyici
Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi, Fümigasyon makinesi darbe jet yağı bazlı sera ve dezenfeksiyon ve dezenfektan dezenfektanı için Taşınabilir Termal Sisleme
Araca Monteli Termal Sisleyici Arabaya Monteli Kamyona Monteli Termal Sisleyici Darbeli Jet Termal Sisleme Makinesi Fümigasyon böcek ilacı Haşere Kontrolü sera üreticisi
Keçiboynuzu Sivrisinek Mücadele Ultra Sisleyici için Fümigasyon Makinesi Termal Sisleyici Sisleme Makinesi
Taşınabilir Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi Thermo F1
ULV1200 Profesyonel Otomatik Nozul Kafası
Fümigasyon Makinesi Araba Kamyon Montajlı Termal Sisleyici Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi Böcek ilacı dezenfeksiyon püskürtücüsü için sera keçiboynuzu sivrisinek WhiteFog SM900 püskürtme
SkyStar Termal Araç Üstü Termal Sisleme Makinesi
Araca Monte ULV Soğuk Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi WhiteFog ULV1200
Türkiye'de Araç Montajlı ULV Soğuk Sisleme Dezenfeksiyon Dezenfektan Makinesi Üreticisi
Araç üstü ULV soğuk sisleme makinesi ve Sis Püskürtme Makinesi
Otomatik meme kafası ulv soğuk sisleme püskürtme püskürtme makinesi
Bahçe Püskürtücü Püskürtme Sis Püskürtücü ve ULV Soğuk Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi 2in1
Dezenfeksiyon Makinesi ULV Dezenfektan ve Sterilizasyon makinesi için Sisleyici Dezenfektan Cihazı
Taşınabilir Elektrikli ULV Soğuk Sisleme Dezenfeksiyon Dezenfektanı Makinesi Üreticisi WhiteFog TURBO ULV
ULV1200 Profesyonel Otomatik Nozul Kafası
Araç Üstü ULV Soğuk Sisleme Sisleme Püskürtme Makinası Üreticisi Türkiye
ULV Püskürtücü Püskürtme Soğuk Sisleme Jeneratörü Üreticisi
WhiteFog ULV1200 Soğuk Sisleme ULV Sisleme Püskürtme Makinası İhracatı
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Önerilen Ürünler

Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi, Fümigasyon makinesi darbe jet yağı bazlı sera ve dezenfeksiyon ve dezenfektan dezenfektanı için Taşınabilir Termal Sisleme
Araca Monteli Termal Sisleyici Arabaya Monteli Kamyona Monteli Termal Sisleyici Darbeli Jet Termal Sisleme Makinesi Fümigasyon böcek ilacı Haşere Kontrolü sera üreticisi
Keçiboynuzu Sivrisinek Mücadele Ultra Sisleyici için Fümigasyon Makinesi Termal Sisleyici Sisleme Makinesi
Araca Monte ULV Soğuk Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi WhiteFog ULV1200
Termal Sisleyici Sisleme ULV Soğuk Sisleme Püskürtücü Püskürtme böcek ilacı pestisit sivrisinek kara sinekler uzay dezenfeksiyonu dezenfektan covid covid19 dezenfektan cihazı araba kamyon araca monteli ULV1200PRO
Otomatik Meme Kafası keçiboynuzu böcek ilacı pestisit püskürtme püskürtücü sisleme sisleme makinesi Sis Üfleyici 35HP
Taşınabilir Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi Thermo F1
Bahçe Püskürtücü Püskürtme Sis Püskürtücü ve ULV Soğuk Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi 2in1
Dezenfeksiyon Makinesi ULV Dezenfektan ve Sterilizasyon makinesi için Sisleyici Dezenfektan Cihazı
Taşınabilir Elektrikli ULV Soğuk Sisleme Dezenfeksiyon Dezenfektanı Makinesi Üreticisi WhiteFog TURBO ULV
Keçiboynuzu böcek ilacı ilaçlama püskürtücü püskürtme sisleme sisleme makinesi üreticisi Mist Blower 18Hp
Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi, Fümigasyon makinesi darbe jet yağı bazlı sera ve dezenfeksiyon ve dezenfektan dezenfektanı için Taşınabilir Termal Sisleme
Araca Monteli Termal Sisleyici Arabaya Monteli Kamyona Monteli Termal Sisleyici Darbeli Jet Termal Sisleme Makinesi Fümigasyon böcek ilacı Haşere Kontrolü sera üreticisi
Keçiboynuzu Sivrisinek Mücadele Ultra Sisleyici için Fümigasyon Makinesi Termal Sisleyici Sisleme Makinesi
Araca Monte ULV Soğuk Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi WhiteFog ULV1200
Termal Sisleyici Sisleme ULV Soğuk Sisleme Püskürtücü Püskürtme böcek ilacı pestisit sivrisinek kara sinekler uzay dezenfeksiyonu dezenfektan covid covid19 dezenfektan cihazı araba kamyon araca monteli ULV1200PRO
Otomatik Meme Kafası keçiboynuzu böcek ilacı pestisit püskürtme püskürtücü sisleme sisleme makinesi Sis Üfleyici 35HP
Taşınabilir Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi Thermo F1
Bahçe Püskürtücü Püskürtme Sis Püskürtücü ve ULV Soğuk Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi 2in1
Dezenfeksiyon Makinesi ULV Dezenfektan ve Sterilizasyon makinesi için Sisleyici Dezenfektan Cihazı
Taşınabilir Elektrikli ULV Soğuk Sisleme Dezenfeksiyon Dezenfektanı Makinesi Üreticisi WhiteFog TURBO ULV
Keçiboynuzu böcek ilacı ilaçlama püskürtücü püskürtme sisleme sisleme makinesi üreticisi Mist Blower 18Hp
Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi, Fümigasyon makinesi darbe jet yağı bazlı sera ve dezenfeksiyon ve dezenfektan dezenfektanı için Taşınabilir Termal Sisleme
Araca Monteli Termal Sisleyici Arabaya Monteli Kamyona Monteli Termal Sisleyici Darbeli Jet Termal Sisleme Makinesi Fümigasyon böcek ilacı Haşere Kontrolü sera üreticisi
Keçiboynuzu Sivrisinek Mücadele Ultra Sisleyici için Fümigasyon Makinesi Termal Sisleyici Sisleme Makinesi
Araca Monte ULV Soğuk Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi WhiteFog ULV1200
Termal Sisleyici Sisleme ULV Soğuk Sisleme Püskürtücü Püskürtme böcek ilacı pestisit sivrisinek kara sinekler uzay dezenfeksiyonu dezenfektan covid covid19 dezenfektan cihazı araba kamyon araca monteli ULV1200PRO
Otomatik Meme Kafası keçiboynuzu böcek ilacı pestisit püskürtme püskürtücü sisleme sisleme makinesi Sis Üfleyici 35HP
Taşınabilir Termal Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi Thermo F1
Bahçe Püskürtücü Püskürtme Sis Püskürtücü ve ULV Soğuk Sisleme Makinesi Üreticisi 2in1
Dezenfeksiyon Makinesi ULV Dezenfektan ve Sterilizasyon makinesi için Sisleyici Dezenfektan Cihazı
Taşınabilir Elektrikli ULV Soğuk Sisleme Dezenfeksiyon Dezenfektanı Makinesi Üreticisi WhiteFog TURBO ULV
Keçiboynuzu böcek ilacı ilaçlama püskürtücü püskürtme sisleme sisleme makinesi üreticisi Mist Blower 18Hp
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