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Dezenfeksiyon Makinesi ULV Sisleyici, Taşınabilir Dezenfektan Cihazı

(5 müşteri incelemesi)


Motor Voltage

220V AC – 50/60Hz

Motor Power

1900 W.



Formülasyon Tüketimi

0 – 350 ML. / Min. (Adjustable flow rate)

Damlacık Boyutu

15µm – 50µm (Adjustable with flow rate)


Manuel valf

Kordon Uzunluğu

3 Mt.


2.9 Kg.


50cm x 15cm x 28cm ( L x W x H )

Disinfection machine ULV Fogger model Space Star WhiteFog® firmamız tarafından Türkiye'de üretilmektedir. WhiteFog® markası 1989'dan bu yana dezenfektan makineleri üretiminde lider olmaya devam ediyor. Ticari ortaklarımıza mühendislik, müşteri ilişkileri ve dünya çapındaki satışlarda 30 yılı aşkın deneyim sunuyoruz.

All our sanitizer devices are manufactured in compliance with the criteria of the World Health Organization.

ULV fogger disinfection machine Space Star is used in multiple areas. (1) For disinfection and sterilization purposes. It is a great tool for fighting against the Covid-19 virus. (2) For fighting against insects and contagious diseases spread through mature bugs i.e. mosquitos and houseflies.

A particle, sprayed with The Space Star sanitizer machine, has a diameter of 15µm. This extremely small micron diameter ensures a superior success in the disinfection activity. With this machine, sprayed particles suspend in the air for a longer time. Additionally, particles have a higher chance of coming in contact with, and eliminating the virus.

For fighting against the CORONAVIRUS in your country, Disinfectant machine ULV Fogger Space Star is an excellent device.

White Fog is open to establish worldwide dealerships and business partnerships. If you think that you can sell our disinfection machines in your country, we encourage you to contact us for a dealership. As the manufacturer of sanitizer devices, we would be pleased to cooperate with you.

Our fugimation / sanitizing machines are used to fight against contagious viruses all over the world. Since the Disinfection machine Space Star is an economic disinfection machine, it is highly preferred by our clients and municipalities.

The Health Ministries all around the world are using  White Fog brand fogging / disinfectant machines to fight against viruses.

Distinguished properties of  Disinfection Machine;

ULV fogger, that we are the manufacturer, disintegrates the disinfectant liquid into very small particles thanks to the cold fogging technique. The Space Star disinfectant device sprays a 5-liter disinfectant liquid in form of “1.434.000.000.000” particles. Each particle has 15 mikron diameter. Since the sprayed disinfectants have small micron diameters, the virus elimination potential of the Space star is higher than other spraying machines with large micron diameters.  The virus does not die if the disinfectant liquid does not come in contact with the virus. The application becomes a futile attempt.

♦ Space Star = 15 µm, 5 Litre, 1.434.000.000.000 particles.
♦ Back pack mist sprayer = 100 µm, 5 Litre, particles.

ULV Fogger machine is very handy for indoor space treatments. The electric motor doesn’t release carbon dioxide as gasoline motors do.

The machine can be used with all disinfections because it is water-based. Furthermore, the Space star disinfection machine can disinfect an area of 750 m1 dakika içinde.

Operation principles of electric Disinfectant Machine

A high airflow rate creates intense pressure. The pressure disintegrates the disinfectant liquid into very small particles and sprays them in 15µm dimensions. Furthermore, these sprayed particles are drifted in the air and reach every space. Additionally, the micron dimensions if desired can be adjusted between 15-50 µm.

Kullanım Alanları

This sanitizer machine , once filled with the disinfectant liquid, is used as a disinfection machine, ulv fogger, to combat contagious diseases, and the Kovid-19 virüsü. gibi devlet kurumları tarafından yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. sağlık Bakanlığı to prevent the spread of diseases, notably Covid-19. In other words, the Space Star is a perfect machine for maintaining public health.

Additionally, Space Star, thanks to its böcek ilacı sisleyici mülkiyet için kullanılır haşere kontrolü purposes in vector fighting. It is used in the fight against mature bugs such as mosquitos and locusts. It is a perfect tool for agricultural spraying and greenhouse spraying.

Information about Disinfection Foggers

A. Mikron çapı;

As a manufacturer, we prioritize well informing our clients. Micron diameter means the size of 1 particle, expressed in “µm”. 1 mm is equal to 1000 microns. A human hair is 100µm thick, a particle’s size of an Disinfection Fogger Space Star varies between 15µm~50µm. That being said, the micron diameter can be adjusted. This allows adjusting the disinfectant liquid consumption.

b. Thermal Fogging vs Cold Fogging, which one is more efficient in the disinfection treatment?

Her iki makine de verimlidir. Ancak kullanım alanları ve amaçları farklılık göstermektedir. Termal sisleme makineleri sıvı formülasyonu ısı yardımıyla buhar haline dönüştürdüğü için bu makineler bazı dezenfektan sıvılar için uygun değildir. Dezenfektan sıvıları alırken tedarikçiye sormanızı öneririz.

Elektrikli taşınabilir ULV Soğuk sisleme makineleri tüm sıvı dezenfektan sıvılarıyla kullanılabilir. Bunun nedeni soğuk sisleme makinelerinin dezenfektan sıvısını ısı olmadan parçalamasıdır.

C. ULV ve Termal Sisleyici arasındaki çalışma farkı: 

Thermal foggers transform the formulation into vapor state with the help of heat. Cold foggers, on the other hand, transform the formulation into vapor state with the help of air pressure instead of heat. A powerful motor ensures obtaining a smaller micron diameter, and thus a more efficient sterilization process. Being a cold fogger requires the capacity of spraying under 30µm, ie. spraying an average of 15µm.

D. Mikron Boyutları:

Termal Sisleyiciler = 0-15μm
Soğuk Sisleme Makinaları = 0-30μm
ULV Sisleyiciler = 30-50μm
Sis Püskürtme Makineleri = 50-100μm
Back pack Mist Sprayers = 100-150µm

e. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü

Burada listelenen bilgiler WHO (Dünya Sağlık Örgütü) kriterlerine uygundur. Firma olarak bu kriterleri özetledik ve sade, anlaşılır bir konuşmayla kamuoyuna aktarmaya çalıştık. Daha fazla teknik bilgiye ihtiyacınız varsa kitaptan daha fazla ayrıntı alabilirsiniz. “Bir Uygulayıcının Rehberi” WHO (Dünya Sağlık Örgütü).

Space Star portatif sisleme makinası aktivitenize uygun değilse daha büyük modelimizi inceleyebilirsiniz. Turbo ULV makinesi, aynı zamanda üreticiyiz.

Space Star Catalog.pdf

Disinfection Machine ULV Fogger, Portable Sanitizer Device için 5 inceleme

  1. Paulius Maksys

    Do you have dealers in the EU? I like the package of machine, suitable for super market sales.

  2. Pedro Franceschi

    It’s nice that it’s light and has a strap.

  3. Aliaa Ragab

    آلة يدوية

  4. Александр Метелкин

    дезинфицирующая машина хорошего качества, мне это нравится

  5. Marwa

    Please how much is this machine?

İnceleme yap

Ana Özellikler


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